Types of Compensation You Should Receive in Your Motorcycle Accident Settlement

Motorcycle Wreck With a Silver CarBecause you only have a helmet and your clothes to protect you when riding a motorcycle, you could suffer devastating injuries in a motorcycle accident. Under Virginia law, you are entitled to compensation for your injuries from the negligent driver who caused your collision. Understanding the types of damages you can receive can help you know what to ask from when filing your claim with the motorist’s insurance company and evaluate whether they are offering you a fair settlement.

What Types of Compensation Can You Obtain Under Virginia Law?

The types of damages you can receive will depend on the facts surrounding your crash and the seriousness of the injuries. You may be entitled to one or more of the following:

  • Medical expenses. You are entitled to be reimbursed for your past and future medical expenses, which can quickly add up to tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. Medical treatments you may need include hospitalizations, surgery, doctor visits, physical therapy, mental health treatment, and medications.
  • Lost wages. You should also receive the past and future wages, vacation and sick time, commissions, bonuses, and other perks of your job you lost during the months or longer you are off work recovering from your injuries. If you must take a salary reduction or are permanently disabled due to your injuries, you are also entitled to your lost earning capacity damages.
  • Property damage. You should be reimbursed for the cost to repair or replace your motorcycle and any other property, such as your helmet and clothes, which were damaged in the accident.
  • Pain and suffering. You may suffer long-term physical pain and psychological trauma due to the crash and the injuries that you must now cope with. Putting a dollar amount on the pain and suffering you endured can be difficult. An experienced motorcycle accident lawyer will know how to accurately value this portion of your claim.
  • Punitive damages. If the driver’s actions were extremely reckless or negligent, you may be able to seek punitive damages. The purpose of this type of compensation is to punish the negligent party and to deter others from engaging in these actions.

Calculating the amount of compensation you deserve can be complicated. In addition, the insurance company may try to deny your claim or refuse to pay you what you are owed even if the driver’s negligence is clear cut.

Our Norfolk Motorcycle Accident Attorneys Will Protect Your Legal Rights

The skilled motorcycle accident lawyers at Tavss Fletcher will aggressively fight to ensure that you receive all that you are entitled to in your settlement. To learn more about the value of your claim and how we can assist you, call our Norfolk office to schedule a free consultation today.