How Inadequate Maintenance Leads to Premises Liability Accidents

Woman Wearing Heels Stepping into a Hole in the SidewalkOne common cause of slip and fall, inadequate security, and other premises liability accidents is inadequate maintenance. You could suffer serious injuries from a fall, fire, criminal act, or other reasons if necessary repairs are not made. You may be entitled to compensation for your injuries from the negligent property owner, landlord, or business.

How Lack of Maintenance Causes Victims to Suffer Injuries

Property owners, landlords, and businesses have a duty to perform maintenance on their properties and make necessary repairs when they are needed under Virginia law. Unfortunately, they may fail to make reasonable inspections or not want to spend the money required to repair problems when they are discovered. When they breach their duties, this can cause dangerous conditions. Examples of inadequate maintenance that leads to accidents include:

  • Not installing or replacing smoke detectors
  • Not repairing or replacing broken locks
  • Not removing snow, ice, or water from parking lots, sidewalks, or business entrances
  • Not providing or fixing security cameras, lighting, railings, or fencing to keep property secure
  • Allowing cracks and potholes to develop in sidewalks and parking lots
  • Not repairing or replacing worn carpeting or other flooring
  • Failing to correct defects in handrails or steps

Proving Liability in an Inadequate Maintenance Case

It can be complicated to prove the liability of a property owner, landlord, or business to compensate you if you suffered injuries due to their lack of maintenance of the property. The help of an experienced premises liability lawyer can help you win your case.

Your lawyer would know the types of evidence you need, such as accident reports and maintenance records, to prove that the owner’s breach of their duty to you caused your injuries. They may also need to hire expert witnesses who can establish that their maintenance practices were not reasonable.

Consult With a Premises Liability Lawyer Today

Did you suffer injuries in a slip and fall or other premises liability accident? Our knowledgeable premises liability legal team can evaluate whether you have a claim, answer your questions, and fight with the insurance company so that you receive all the compensation you deserve for your injuries. To find out more about your rights and how we can assist you, call our Norfolk office or fill out our online form to schedule your free consultation today.