Did you know that driving while fatigued causes at least 17% of fatal car accidents? This means that each year drowsy driving causes over 5,500 highway deaths. Drowsy driving and biking also injure many thousands. Safety experts believe that even these numbers are low as drowsy driving goes severely underreported. This makes it difficult to know the true impact drowsy driving has on accident totals in Virginia and nationwide.
During the holidays we all tend to stay up late and get up early. We have things to do, people to see! However, if we want to arrive alive, to keep ourselves and our passengers safe, it is best to only drive when well rested. Impossible you say? Maybe some days. However, when planning a road trip in Virginia or across several state lines, make getting enough sleep part of your vacation preparation.
Do not attempt to drive through the night and if you feel you must drive on and you become tired please pull over and sleep. The dangers of continuing to drive while sleepy are not worth the risk.
The staff and attorneys at Tavss Fletcher hope that you and yours have a happy, healthy holiday. Remember to make the season a safe one: Please buckle up, don't drink and drive and avoid drowsy driving.