For the first time on such a large scale, motorcyclists have been asked to allow researchers to record their every move.
The study, which began last August, involved 100 motorcyclists from across the nation. The bikers agreed to have the following pieces of recording equipment installed on their motorcycles:
- Cameras
- Accelerometers
- Gyroscope
- Forward radar
- Machine vision lane tracker
- Brake lever
- Pedal input sensors
Bikers were then asked to drive as they normally would, the many devices tracking and recording their every move. Information gathered in this way will be used to see just how motorcyclists react to different driving situations. Thus far, a study of this kind has only been done on cars, and researchers are excited about its potential to shed light on the many factors that lead to motorcycle accidents.
"While we applaud the research that has been done in the past, we must acknowledge that, to date, we simply have had no data on how riders perform in everyday, uneventful riding," stated Tim Buche, MSF President. "In the U.S. each year, riders travel over 25 billion miles, they ride safely without incident. Riders have not been scientifically observed in a natural setting. And this naturalistic study is allowing us to learn from these riders and incorporate those findings into our rider education and training programs as well as other safety countermeasures."
The Study's Potential
The MSF 100 Motorcyclists Naturalistic Study has the potential to shape the future of motorcycle safety classes and initiatives. Findings, which have yet to be released, will for the first time ever allow safety experts to see just what factors cause near crashes and crashes. In addition, they will give a window into what occurs during the moments before, during and after a crash, as well as the ways riders are able to successfully avoid an accident.
As motorcycle accident attorneys in Virginia Beach, we are hopeful that the research will help riders better understand the most effective ways to avoid being involved in a motorcycle accident in Virginia and across the nation.