If you suffered injuries in a car accident that was not your fault, it can be stressful to worry about paying your mounting medical bills and living expenses while you are from your injuries. You may be anxious to settle your claim with the negligent driver’s insurance company and receive your check.
Your worries can increase if the process of settling your claim drags on for months or longer. However, if you want to receive all the compensation you deserve, you may have to be patient. Here are four reasons why it may take longer than you would like to resolve your claim with the insurance company.
Insufficient Evidence Was Collected at the Crash Scene
In order to obtain damages from the insurance company, you will need to prove that the other motorist’s negligence caused your accident. If you did not know that you needed to collect evidence at the scene of your auto collision or were too injured to do this, you may have insufficient evidence to prove your case.
Fortunately, an experienced car accident lawyer can obtain this evidence for you. They can obtain a copy of the police report, photos taken at the scene of the crash by bystanders, and witness statements from those who can help you prove the other driver was the at-fault party. A lawyer could also hire expert witnesses, such as an accident reconstruction expert, to establish how your collision occurred. This can take time but can help you build a winning case.
Your Medical Treatment Is Ongoing
It is best to wait to settle your claim until you reach your maximum medical recovery. This is the stage in your medical treatment where you have fully recovered or recovered as much as possible, and your doctor can give you a final prognosis.
It can take months or longer to reach this stage in your medical care, especially if your injuries are serious. However, you cannot know the amount of future damages you are entitled to until you reach this stage in your recovery.
You Suffered Serious Injuries
If your injuries are long-term or permanent, the value of your claim will be higher. The insurance company will most likely fight longer and harder to deny your claim or to try to pay you less compensation than you deserve when they know that they are liable to pay you a larger settlement amount.
Insurance Company Is Disputing Your Claim
If the negligent driver’s insurance company raises disputes as to why they should not have to pay the amount you are asking for—which is common—this could make settlement negotiations drag on. If the insurance company refuses to be reasonable, your attorney may need to file a lawsuit and litigate your case, which could make settling your claim take even longer. Common disputes they could use to delay your settlement:
- You or another party were partially or completely to blame for causing your car accident.
- Your injuries are not as serious as you claim.
- You are not entitled to all the compensation that you are seeking.
If you or a family member suffered injuries or a loved one was killed in an auto collision in Virginia Beach or Norfolk, our dedicated car accident legal team is here to fight for the compensation you deserve for your injuries. Call our Norfolk office or fill out our convenient online form to schedule your free case evaluation today.
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