While it is true that truck driver negligence causes the majority of truck rollover accidents, this does not mean that there were not multiple reasons—and liable parties—for a rollover wreck. If you or a family member were injured in a rollover wreck, you could suffer catastrophic injuries that may prevent you from working for the rest of your life. To ensure that you are fully compensated for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering, it is crucial that you identify all potentially liable parties and file claims with their insurance companies.
Who Are the Potential Liable Parties in a Rollover Truck Accident?
An experienced truck accident attorney can help determine all the reasons for your rollover accident and identify the liable parties. These can include the following:
- Truck driver. If the truck driver engaged in negligent driving practices—such as speeding or talking on his cell phone—and this caused your injuries, he would be a liable party.
- Trucking company. In Virginia, the trucking company may be vicariously liable for the negligent actions of its trucker if he was within the course of his employment when he caused your accident. You may also have a negligent hiring claim against the company.
- Shipper. If the load was improperly loaded or unsecured and this caused the truck to roll over, you will need to file a claim with the insurance company for the shipper who loaded the goods.
- Maintenance company. Some trucking companies contract with a maintenance facility to perform routine inspections and repairs. If the brakes, tires, or other components were not maintained or repaired, you may have a claim against the maintenance facility.
- Manufacturer. If defects in the design or manufacture of the truck’s brakes, tires, or other parts caused your rollover, you may have a products liability claim against the manufacturer.
Determining the liable parties after a rollover truck accident is complex. Let our experienced truck accident attorneys take over the burden of determining the liable parties and negotiating your settlement so that you receive what you deserve. Get started by calling our office to schedule your free consultation today.
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