How can a truck accident attorney help me?

Lawyer Explaining Case PaperworkIf you were hurt in a truck accident caused by a negligent trucker, you should not try to handle your claim on your own to save on paying attorney fees. The value of your case could be higher due to the seriousness of the injuries you have suffered, and settling your claim with the insurance company will be more complicated. Here are five ways an experienced truck accident lawyer can help you.

#1 Gather the Evidence You Need

If you want to have a strong case against the trucker and trucking company, you need evidence that proves their fault in causing your truck collision and the seriousness of your injuries. Your lawyer will conduct a thorough investigation into the cause of your crash and will collect the evidence you need to win your case. Types of evidence that can be helpful include:

  • Photos and videos of the accident
  • Truck’s black box, dashcam, and other electronic data
  • Trucker’s employment and medical certification documents
  • Trucker’s logbook
  • Truck maintenance records
  • Your medical records, bills, and an expert medical opinion
  • Witness statements
  • Paystubs and other wage loss documentation
  • Expert witness reports from an accident reconstructionist, economic, and other types of experts

#2 Identify Liable Parties

In a truck accident case, the trucker is often not the only party responsible for causing a truck wreck. The trucking company, shipper, and truck repair facility are a few of the negligent parties who could be liable to compensate you for your injuries. Your lawyer will identify all potentially negligent parties and file claims with their insurance companies.

#3 Manage Your Medical Expenses

If the insurance company denies payment for necessary medical treatments, your attorney can fight with them to ensure that they pay your medical bills. In addition, your lawyer can work with your medical providers to arrange for payment for your care out of your settlement proceeds.

#4 Negotiate Your Settlement

A lawyer who handles truck accident cases will be able to accurately value your claim and can negotiate your settlement with the insurance company. They will also know the common tactics the insurance adjuster may use to try to deny your claim or pay you less than you are owed and will have strategies to defeat the adjuster’s arguments.

#5 File Your Lawsuit

While your case will most likely be settled without the need for a jury trial, you will have to file a lawsuit if the insurance company refuses to be reasonable, or the statute of limitations, which is the deadline you have to sue, will expire soon. You need an attorney licensed in Virginia to file your complaint and litigate your case.

Were you injured in a truck accident caused by a negligent truck driver in Norfolk? Fill out our convenient online form on this page to schedule your free case evaluation today.