"Operation Silver Fox" was a successful undercover sting headed up by the Norfolk, Virginia Police Department. Multiple undercover agents posed as both drug dealers and potential buyers. Police made multiple felony drug charges, seized three guns and arrested three others with drugs on their person or outstanding warrants. All told the week long sting led to 47 arrests.
The operation targeted areas of the city that are often plagued by drug activity. The sting focused on the neighborhoods of Oakdale Farms/Denby Park, Fairmont Park, Park Place, Berkley/Campostella, Olde Huntersville and Lindenwood.
During the bust three officers made 90 buys that resulted in 47 individuals being charged with various crimes. The officers' buys consisted primarily of crack and heroin.
Despite the seemingly successful sting officers are reluctant to claim the win. Sgt. Brian Atwood was part of the sting and has seen how deep the roots of the drug problem go.
"I don't think we we'll ever win this drug game, especially with the resources we have and the profit margin," Atwood said. "It's so profitable for someone to do it."
The bust even netted dealers and buyers near the Berkley/Campostella Early Childhood Education Center. A school zone sign reads "Drug-Free Area" yet the undercover officers made buys from 16 different dealers in close proximity to the school.