Drug charges in Virginia often come with stiff penalties. As a person who is facing such charges, you may have more questions than answers as to what will happen to you next.
After the initial shock of your arrest has worn off, you are left sitting, thinking and wondering what will happen to you. Will you be sent to prison? Made to pay expensive fines? Will you lose your job, your children? In a panic, these questions can be overwhelming.
What you need is an advocate; someone who will give you honest advice about the case that the police are building against you, about the possible outcome of a trial. You need experience and you need it now. Talking with the police, even friends and family members, may negatively affect your case.
Before you speak with anyone about the charges you are facing and your possible involvement in the crime contact an aggressive, compassionate Virginia Beach criminal lawyer at Tavss Fletcher. We may be able to help you fight the charges and get your life back on track. An arrest changes your life forever, let us help you get your life back.. Call today. 1.757.625.1214