Many worry that the combination of reduced sentencing in crack cocaine cases and the early release of inmates under the retroactive application of the Fair Sentencing Act will turn areas of Virginia back into the crack havens they were in the 1980s. Others are cheering the change; they are glad to see an end to an unfair and even racist crack cocaine sentencing policy.


Strategies for Successful Early Release


Because of the numerous recent early releases, drug counselors are working to help the released stay away from old haunts and habits, instead focusing on a new, crime-free life. Kerry Black Wiles is an experienced, award winning drug counselor. She is confident that, with the right treatment program, these individuals can have success after prison.


"One of the keys for them will be to avoid, as we say, ‘Your same playmates, your same playgrounds,'" Wiles said. "These are part of the skills we try to teach in recovery programs. The trick will be to make sure we continue to work with the judicial and correction system to get those coming out on drug-related charges into the right kinds of treatment programs."


The hope is that anyone released under the Fair Sentencing Act will be given the support they need to make the most out of the time they have been given back.


If you need help after being released in Virginia or need legal advice about applying for early release under the Virginia Fair Sentencing Act, please contact an experienced Virginia Beach criminal law attorney at Tavss Fletcher today for your free consultation.

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