Common Types of Prosecutable Juvenile Crimes

The Office of Justice Programs within the National Institute of Justice, estimates that nearly 160,000 children, age 10 to 18, are arrested each year for participating in violent acts. An additional 40,000 plus children are prosecuted and sentenced in juvenile courts for non-violent criminal activity. Although many children go through a rebellious stage during their early teenager years, what they don’t know is that many of their questionable actions could have legal repercussions.

Make sure your child knows the consequences of his actions, by teaching him how a simple act could quickly spiral into a prosecutable delinquent act.

Types of Juvenile Crimes

Juveniles are capable of committing the same crimes as adults—with just as much guilt. However, due to the age of the offender, these crimes are considered delinquent acts and are prosecuted in front of a Juvenile Court.

Although minor infractions, such as running away from school, are looked upon as status crimes, serious offenses may be charged as felonies or misdemeanors.

These actions include:

  • Violent crimes – Crimes that result in bodily injury, such as assault, rape, and homicide.
  • Crimes against property – Crimes that are committed by force, or the threat of force, to obtain the property of another.
  • Drug-related crimes – Crimes that involve the possession or sale of illegal narcotics.
  • Weapons possession – Carrying, using, or hiding guns, knives, sharp objects, or anything that could potentially cause bodily harm to another individual.
  • Sexual assaults – Crimes where the assailant uses force, or the threat of force, to coerce sexual exploitation or rape.

Helping Your Child Defend His Actions

Make sure your family and friends are aware of the dangerous consequences of their children’s actions. Use your social media to share this page with them via Facebook, or tell them to contact us directly to discuss any potential questions or concerns they may have about juvenile crimes.

Remember, they may not know exactly how to speak to their children—or even know the risks until it’s too late. By clicking the above media icons, you can not only help prevent crimes, but also help preserve a child’s future. Please, share now.


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