What to Do If Your Child Is Injured in a Car Accident

Child's Teddy Bear in the Back Seat of a CarChildren are often the victims of an auto crash. Due to their small size, they are likely to suffer serious injuries, such as brain injuries, internal bleeding and organ damage, chest injuries, paralysis, or death. If your child was hurt due to a negligent driver’s actions, here is what you need to know about protecting his health and the right to compensation for any injuries.

What You Should Do If Your Child Is a Victim of an Auto Wreck in Norfolk

Some of the steps you should take if your child is in your vehicle are the same as those for any car accident. These include calling the police, taking photos of the crash scene, and obtaining contact information for the negligent driver and witness. Here are other actions you need to take.

Do Not Move Your Child

While you want to comfort your child after the crash, do not move him out of his car seat. You should wait for first responders to come. They are better able to determine if he suffered a head, neck, or spinal injury that could worsen if he is not moved properly.

Seek Prompt Medical Care

While it is always important to be examined by a doctor after a car accident—it is especially true for a child. The symptoms of many injuries may not develop for days or longer after the crash. You do not want your child’s injuries to worsen because they are not quickly diagnosed. In addition, if the child is an infant or is young, he may not realize he was hurt or may be unable to communicate this you.

Replace Your Child’s Car Seat

Your child’s car seat may have been damaged in the crash, even if it was a minor one. Replace the car seat as soon as possible to be certain your child is protected while traveling in any vehicle. Your insurance company may pay the cost of a new one.

Retain an Attorney

Your child is relying on you to pursue his claim for compensation from the negligent driver’s insurance company. In Virginia, a child under 18 years old is a minor and cannot file a claim with the insurance company on his own.

You should hire an experienced car accident lawyer as soon as possible. He can help you file your child’s claim and negotiate his settlement so that he receives what he deserves.

If you or a family member were injured in an auto accident that was not your fault, our skilled attorneys are here to answer your questions and fight to hold the negligent driver accountable for compensating you. Fill out the online form on this page to schedule your free consultation today.