Top Mistakes That Could Weaken a Claim for Compensation After a Pedestrian Accident

Pedestrian in the Middle of the Road After an AccidentObtaining the compensation you deserve after a pedestrian accident in Virginia is not easy. You will make the process harder if you make errors that weaken your claim. Here are the top mistakes you want to avoid if you want to recover the full value of your claim in your settlement with the negligent driver’s insurance company.

#1: Not Contacting the Police

You would lose valuable evidence that could help you prove the driver’s negligence caused you to suffer injuries if you do not contact the police at the accident scene. The police report could contain helpful information, such as:

  • Date, place, and time of the accident
  • Details of how the accident occurred
  • Statements from yourself, the motorist, and any eyewitnesses
  • Officer’s conclusions as to who was at fault
  • Any traffic citations issued to the other driver

#2: Not Getting Contact Information

You may be unable to file your claim if you do not obtain the driver’s contact information and insurance information. You could also lose valuable eyewitness testimony if you did not obtain their name, address, and telephone number right after your accident.

#3: Waiting to Seek Medical Treatment

You could weaken your case if you do not obtain prompt medical care. The insurance company may argue about the cause of your injuries or their seriousness if you make this mistake.

#4: Not Taking Pictures

If you do not take pictures of the accident scene, damage to the vehicle that hit you, and your injuries right away, you could lose evidence that can help you prove the cause of your accident.

#5: Accepting a Quick Settlement of Your Claim

It would be a big mistake to settle your claim too quickly. It is impossible to know how serious your injuries are or the value of your claim until you make a full recovery or recover as much as possible. If you accept the first or second offer of the insurance company, you may receive far less compensation than you are entitled to under Virginia law.

#6: Not Hiring an Attorney Right Away

Another error that can hurt your case is not hiring a skilled car accident lawyer as soon as possible after your pedestrian accident. An attorney can collect the evidence you need, help you avoid damaging mistakes, and negotiate your settlement with the insurance company.

Were you or a family injured in a pedestrian accident in Norfolk or Virginia Beach? Our experienced car accident attorneys are here to explain your rights and fight for the compensation you deserve from the insurance company. Call our Norfolk office at 877-960-3441 or contact us online to schedule your free initial consultation today.


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