What are no-zones and how can I avoid them?

Semi truck in sideview mirrorA large truck is one that weighs 10,000 pounds or more, according to the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), but can weigh as much as 80,000 pounds when fully loaded. This creates a risk for smaller passenger vehicles. It’s important that Virginia drivers know what no-zones are, how to avoid them, and how a lawyer can help if an accident occurs.

Accidents Are More Likely in No-Zones

Because trucks are heavier and more difficult to maneuver than a traditional passenger vehicle, you must take extra caution when driving near them to prevent serious injuries. Specifically, you should avoid the no-zones, which are especially risky areas around a truck. These include:

  • The sides. Semi-trucks are so large and long that they have blind spots on both sides. However, visibility is especially limited on the trucker’s right side.
  • The rear. Truckers cannot see directly behind their trailers, but drivers who follow a truck closely also cannot see around the truck.
  • The front. Large trucks need more time to make safe stops, and having a passenger vehicle right in front of them creates a significant risk.

You Can Avoid the No-Zones

To protect yourself and your passengers, make sure you know how to share the road with large trucks appropriately. The following are some quick tips to help you stay safe:

  • If you can’t see the driver, the driver can’t see you. Whether you are traveling on the side or rear of the truck, it’s important you use the truck’s mirrors to keep the driver’s face within your view. If you can see the driver, you’re most likely in the driver’s sights.
  • Don’t linger. When traveling in close proximity to a truck, make sure to exit the no-zones quickly. Do not linger in any of the no-zones for too long.
  • Pass safely. When passing, make sure to pass on the left—where a truck’s blind spot is smaller. Additionally, when you pass in front of a truck, give the truck plenty of room. In your side-view mirror, you should be able to see the whole front end of the truck before you cross into its lane.
  • Beware wide right turns. If you and a large truck are both about to make a right turn, keep in mind that trucks need more room than you. Keep your distance, and never try to squeeze through first while a truck is turning right. 

If You’ve Been Injured, You Need Help

Accidents with large trucks can become complicated quickly, so if you’ve been injured, it’s important you enlist the help of an experienced attorney. The team at Tavss Fletcher can help you gather evidence, present a sound argument, and work toward a positive outcome in your case. To get started with us, call our toll-free phone number: 877-960-3441.