Internal Bleeding After a Car Accident: A Serious Form of Trauma

While any trauma can cause internal bleeding, the majority of internal injuries are sustained during a car accident. The force of the crash can cause the body to strike nearby objects such as the steering wheel, door frame or seat belt.

An internal injury can usually be easily treated; however, too many times our Virginia Beach car accident lawyers have seen doctors fail to diagnose internal bleeding. It is crucial, therefore, that you learn to recognize the signs of internal bleeding. Doing so can help you get the medical attention you need before you suffer serious complications.

Complications from untreated internal bleeding include:

  • Organ failure
  • Shock
  • Death

Clearly, all of these complications are serious and indicate just how important it is to be seen by a doctor after a car accident, even if the injury is not immediately apparent.

Symptoms of Internal Bleeding

The most common signs and symptoms of internal bleeding include:

  • Pain in the abdomen
  • Abdominal swelling
  • Blood in the: stool, urine or vomit
  • Vaginal bleeding (aside from menstrual bleeding)
  • Color changes of the skin days after the injury
  • Tenderness in the belly, chest or back
  • Symptoms of shock (confusion, clammy skin, dizziness, low blood pressure, paleness, shortness of breath, weakness)

If you are at all concerned that you or a loved one is suffering from undiagnosed internal bleeding, please see a doctor as soon as possible. If the bleeding continues unchecked, shock can set in, followed in some cases by death.

The staff and attorneys at the Virginia Beach personal injury law firm of Tavss Fletcher hope that the information in this article will help you better identify the signs of internal bleeding caused by a car accident.

If you have been hurt during a car accident in Virginia Beach or anywhere in Virginia, do not hesitate to contact an attorney at 757.625.1214 for your free consultation.