Violating These Common Terms of Probation Can Have Serious Consequences in Your Criminal Case

Probation Officer Using Handcuffs on a Probation ClientIf you were charged with a misdemeanor or felony crime in Norfolk, you face stiff punishments, such as a lengthy jail or prison sentence, if you are convicted. One better alternative to imprisonment may be probation. However, the penalties for violating the terms of your probation could be severe.

What Is Probation?

Probation is an option in certain less serious crimes that can allow a person to complete his sentence without being incarcerated in jail or prison. In some cases, the prosecutor will agree to recommend probation as part of a plea bargain. When sentencing someone to probation, the judge would impose certain conditions that must be met, such as:

  • Meeting with a probation officer at specific appointments set by the probation officer
  • Not owning a firearm
  • Not using illegal drugs and alcohol
  • Not leaving the state without permission
  • Paying court fines and costs by a specific date
  • Attending court hearings
  • Maintaining a job or enrollment in a college or other educational program
  • Not committing any other crimes

Common Ways That You Could Violate Probation

It is not always easy to comply with probation terms, especially if a person is sentenced to a lengthy period of probation. Here are some common ways people violate probation:

  • Missing appointments with a probation officer
  • Failing to pay fines or performing required community service
  • Not appearing at scheduled court hearings
  • Being arrested for committing another crime
  • Possessing or consuming alcohol or illegal drugs
  • Not maintaining steady employment

Penalties You Face for Violating Probation

If you violate the terms of your probation, your probation officer could issue you a warning or report it to the judge who sentenced you. The consequences will depend on the seriousness of your violation, whether there were other probation violations, and other factors in your criminal case. Possible consequences include:

  • Having the length of your probation extended
  • Being ordered to comply with additional conditions to remain on probation
  • Being sentenced to jail for a short period of time
  • Having your probation revoked and being ordered to complete your sentence in jail or prison

Are you being accused of violating the terms of probation? Were you charged with committing a crime in Norfolk? Our experienced criminal defense attorneys can explain your options to you and mount a strong defense so that you achieve the best possible outcome given your situation. To learn more, fill out our online form to schedule a free consultation.