Steps to Take if Your Child Is Injured in a School Bus Collision in Virginia

School Bus on the RoadIf your child is injured in a bus accident, they may be entitled to compensation for their injuries under Virginia law. It is up to you to protect their legal rights. Here are the steps you need to take if you are pursuing a claim with the insurance company on their behalf.

Essential Steps You Need to Take if Your Child Was Hurt in a School Bus Crash

The steps you take can directly impact the strength of your child’s case and the amount of compensation they receive in their settlement. Here are some crucial things you should do to protect their rights:

  • Get prompt medical care. You need to obtain immediate medical care for your child within 72 hours of the bus accident, even if you do not think your child is hurt. This protects their health if they have a hidden injury and avoids disputes with the insurance company.
  • Talk to parents. You should discuss the accident with other parents. Some of them may have witnessed the bus accident or have additional information that can help you prove your child’s case.
  • Get the contact information for witnesses. If there are any witnesses to the bus collision, you need to obtain their contact information. You should also retain a knowledgeable car accident lawyer as soon as possible to get their written statement while the crash details are fresh in their minds.
  • Preserve evidence. You need to collect evidence, such as the police report, photos of the crash scene, damage to the bus and other vehicles involved in the bus accident, and surveillance footage that can help establish the cause of the collision.
  • Document your child’s recovery. Take photos of your child’s injuries and keep a record of their recovery process over the weeks, months, or longer that it takes them to heal from their injuries.
  • Keep medical records and bills. You should save your child’s medical records and bills. This will help you prove the seriousness of their injuries and the medical expenses they should be reimbursed for in their settlement with the insurance company.
  • Retain an attorney. School bus accident claims are complicated. You need to retain a skilled car accident lawyer right away to contact the school district and their insurance company, collect the evidence your child needs, and go up against the insurance company for the compensation they deserve.

Was your child hurt in a school bus accident in the Virginia Beach or Norfolk areas? Call our Norfolk office at 757.625.1214 or fill out our convenient online form to schedule your free initial consultation today to learn more about how our experienced car accident lawyers can assist you.


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