What You Should Do Following a Truck Accident in Virginia Beach

Given the immense size and weight of a tractor-trailer, it is no surprise that a truck accident in Virginia Beach can be especially dangerous and can lead to a permanent injury. Nearly 5000 people lost their lives in collisions involving semi-trucks over the last 10 years in America.

Though you never anticipate being involved in a truck accident, you should know what to do immediately following an accident with a large truck. Your case and financial future could depend in it. In this article, we discuss immediate steps that should be taken if you ever collide with a large truck.

Seek Medical Attention

The first step following any accident is to assess injuries. Asses yourself, your passengers, and anyone else anyone else involved in the collision for injuries. You should dial 911 immediately. In addition:

  • Take as many picture as possible of your injuries.
  • Visit your doctor as quickly as you can, no matter how slight your injuries appear.
  • Keep a detailed journal of your injuries and any symptoms you may be experiencing.

Be Your Own Investigator

It is critical that you gather as much information at the accident scene as possible. This will help you build a successful case. You should:

  • Take as many pictures of the accident scene as possible.
  • Get the names and contact information of all drivers involved, including driver’s license numbers, vehicle registrations, and insurance information.
  • Get the names and contact information of anyone who may have witnessed the crash.
  • Get as much information about the vehicles involved in the crash, including make, models, colors, and license plate numbers.

Do Not Talk to the Insurance Companies

You should avoid talking with the other insurance companies before you consult with your own truck accident lawyer. Keep in mind that their goal is to discredit your case and pay you as little as possible. Though they may appear friendly on the phone, they do not represent your best interests. Whatever you do, do not admit fault to anyone at any time.

Talk with an Attorney as Soon as Possible

Most likely you will be dealing with a trucking company and insurance company, both with deep pockets. Their goal is to win the case. That is why you should speak to an experienced truck accident attorney as soon as possible. They can help keep you from being taken advantage of.

If you have been injured in a truck accident, you should call a Virginia Beach truck accident attorney at Tavss Fletcher at (757) 625-1214. We understand the tactics trucking companies and insurance companies use against other motorists. We will defend your compensation rights and help you get the medical treatment you deserve.