Distracted Driving: A Growing Danger on Virginia Roads

Does this scene sound familiar?  You swerve out of the way of an oncoming car, and when you glance at the driver they are chatting away on their cell phone, oblivious to the fact that they nearly caused a serious accident.  As mobile phone technology spreads into every home (and vehicle) in America, this scene is becoming more and more familiar – with predictably deadly results.


Cell phone use while driving is now a major issue for researchers, law enforcement officials, and legislators.  A number of states have enacted laws restricting the use of cell phones and other wireless devices for drivers, especially for novice drivers or bus drivers.  However, despite these restrictions distracted driving is still a major issue for Virginia and indeed the entire country.


Cell phone users are dangerous distracted drivers


The National Safety Council has published a fact sheet listing cell phone driving risk facts.

  • There are over 50 peer-reviewed scientific studies showing that there are significant risks associated with using a cell phone while driving.
  • If you use a cell phone while driving, you are more than four times as likely to be in a crash than a driver not using a cell phone.
  • There is no difference in cognitive distraction between drivers using hand-held cell phones and those using hands-free devices.
  • Cell phone use while driving is estimated to contribute to six percent of all traffic crashes.  This means that drivers talking on their cell phone are responsible for 636,00 crashes, 330,000 injuries, 12,000 serious injuries, and 12,000 deaths each year.
  • A Virginia Tech study revealed that 80 percent of all motor vehicle accidents could be attributed to distracted drivers.  While there are many types of distracted driving behaviors, cell phone use is the most common and most persistent.
  • Some studies estimate that over 100 million people use cell phones while driving, and public opinion polls have showed that 81 percent of the public admit to talking on a cell phone while driving.
  • Crashes that can be attributed to cell phone use cost the nation about $43 billion each year.
  • It is much safer to talk to a passenger in the vehicle than it is to talk to somebody on a cell phone.


Have you experienced first-hand the dangers of a cell phone powered driver?  To speak with an attorney that serves auto crash victims in both Virginia and North Carolina please contact the personal injury attorneys at Tavss Fletcher today.



RBC Centura

555 East Main Street, 14th Floor

Norfolk, VA 23510

Telephone: (757) 625-1214

Facsimile: (757) 622-7295